Monday, March 23, 2009

The Princess Stumbles

The Princess was shocked and appalled when she realized what she had done. She wanted to blame the Prince but she knew very well that her behavior was her responsibility. It was not that she was unaware that sin was present in her life at times but when it reared its ugly head it shocked her. Now it had made it’s presence known in public!

She knew she had disappointed her Father the King and she proved to be a very bad representative of the royal family. It had been a very trying day, which didn’t excuse the act. She would not have described her Prince as Charming that day either so going to the marketplace with him was, perhaps a bad idea. His behavior enraged her and words which were not so royal flew out of her mouth. That in and of itself was bad enough but it wasn’t until they were at the Feeding Station for their royal steed that she felt the full impact of her behavior. When she was sitting in the Royal Carriage waiting for the Prince to arrange the "feeding" of their steed when she happened to look down and see what she was wearing. To her dismay she was wearing a garment that declared her to be one of the Royal Family. Oh, what shame filled her as she realized how it must have looked to any of the Commoners at the Marketplace when she threw her tantrum. Tears sting her eyes as she felt totally unworthy to be a Princess. Her behavior belied her station. The station in life that her Precious Lord and Savior paid dearly for. Knowing the promise the King had made about these things she quickly asked for forgiveness and had to remind herself that He is truly faithful to forgive and to wipe the slate clean, still the sting of failure hung on. After all she knew it hurt her Father and knowing she caused him grief was painful. This incident brought the reality of her sin home and caused her heart to ache. The Royal Counselor was right there to remind her of the promise of the King, her Father to His Children. She was so thankful for the reminder and the promise and it seemed like a golden treasure which she hung on to like the most precious possession she owned. While she didn’t bounce back like nothing had happened she was relieved and vowed to be more aware of the enemy’s sneaky ways. When she asked the Kings forgiveness and cleansing she also asked for the ability to refrain from that behavior again. Oh how precious was the King’s gracious ways. Oh how good it felt to be back in step with Him.

The Moral to this tale is:

The King your Father paid a dear price to keep you near to Him. When you sin He wants you to come to Him, confess and He is faithful to forgive and cleanse you so you can walk close to Him again.

1 John 1:8-9

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (NIV)

Precious Lord, I ask that you keep me from sin. That would be wonderful but you know and I know that someday, the world, my flesh and/or the devil will get the best of me and I will slip and fall. Thank you for the promise in verse 9. I know you paid a dear price to keep it. I love you my Precious Lord and never again do I want to disappoint you. Amen.

by Linda Knox Rubenack ©1990